Henrob Conversion Kit
- PRR-HCK Brochure - 433.4 KB
With Pro Spot's Conversion kit, you're now able to Remove and Apply Self Piercing Rivets (SPR), reach into those' hard to access' spots on the Ford F series. Add in the optional Blind Rivet Adapter and safely install Blind Rivets. The Henrob conversion kit comes with everything you need to safely convert your Henrob rivet gun to the Pro Spot rivet system.
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Bring Your Henrob Back To Life!
Dust off that Henrob Gun, we have a new kit!
Bring Your Henrob Back To Life!Back to top

No longer does your Henrob Rivet Gun need to sit aorund collecting dust. With Pro Spot's new kit, you can get the most out of your gun again.
The Henrob Conversion Kit comes with everythin gyou need to convert your old Rivet gun to the PR-5 Rivet Gun platform. The kit includes: Conversion Tool, Nose Cone, PRR-CQ-55-85 Arm, Ford F-150 Die Kit, Sleeves and a Storage Case